A young talented photographer : Raju Neupane

Great fan of the newborn baby shoot, Raju Neupane is a young talented photographer who leaped into this journey of photography since 2015. He studied diploma in photography and filmmaking from Delhi, India. From there, he took the photography as a profession and is currently living in Kathmandu, engaging in wedding and food photography.

As we asked him some questions about the photography and his journey in this field- He said, “The world is changing, so does the taste, likes, and needs of the people. And moreover, photos keep our moments everlasting. As I used to say, “let’s capture memories through our eyes”. People like to capture their memories in a unique and quirky way as possible and photography helps them a lot”.

Raju Baby PhotographyRaju Baby Photography

Media is playing an important role in the field of photography by providing a platform to people where they can showcase their talent and identity. He further added that social media are the opportunities for photographers to have their work seen, as it is an open door to the world of opportunity and the visual realm of the online world is ideal for showcasing their work. It helps in advertising, marketing and promoting the work as well.

When asked what is photography to him, he quoted, “Pictures are the powerful medium, if presented in the right manner, they can be beautiful, creative and artistic. It has the power to amuse, shock and amaze people.” He further added that the scope of photography is increasing day by day as people have begun to value arts. “Heaven is a myth, Nepal is real” so we won’t run out of subjects or places to photograph here in Nepal and the increasing craze of people towards the art of photography adds a lot of scopes here.

Raju Photography

At the present, he is involved in one baby shoot and few wedding projects and would love to continue this profession. In the future, he would love to see himself as a well-established photographer and filmmaker in the near future.

Photo Credit : https://www.facebook.com/rajuneupanephotography/

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