Prashanna Shakya : The Storyteller

Prashanna Shakya

We are the generation who has the power to influence these second generation locales yet we are so contrapted in being like the westerners. We have slowly forgotten the essence of our true upbringing, very few teenagers can count from 1-100 in nepali or ka kha ga gha, the political scene is sketch, but if our generation does not take over or in this case even care at all, how can we change and develop our nation

The sketchy part is working the job that you love, in our country they say there’s no scope, there’s no opportunity but in reality there’s more unimaginable potential in our country because everything is raw ans unbuilt. If a concrete knowledge based career oriented platform is created in diverse fields including the creative fields too, the young nepal would start seeing the potential market and in the end it moreovers comes about impacting and influencing the influencees.

Do what you can’t and make it everyday count by doing what you love. It can be your job, your degree study anything you have great passion for and you will just surpass your own limits.

Prashanna shakya | The storyteller


Fascinate House

Senior Writer