Enthusiastic and Talented Photographer : David Budhathoki Magar

Photography tells you two things; either the story of the picture or the story of a photographer. A person who comes up with different pictures of the condition of our society,David budhathoki magar is a photographer and a person with the multiple talents. In the past, he has been in the national competition as a Nepal National Boxing player, Taekwondo and kickboxing as well. He won three gold medalist in kickboxing from the seven different states. At the present, he is taking the turn on the direction of becoming a photographer. We can see his appealing photographs in The Mongolian Heart and other pages like Nepalese in Photography.

The Mongolian Heart Photography is a small platform to share different types of photography to make people aware of the incidents of our society through pictures.

He says, “The main objective of The Mongolian HeartPhotography is to bring happiness in the face of audiences as well as to promote our Nepal Culture. At the same time, beautify nature through my click”. He is engaged in taking photographs related to the society and its background story, making people aware of positive and negative aspects through the click.

David shared with us a few more things about himself :

1. What first drew you to photography and how did you discover it?
I still remember that day, when I got Nikon Camera as a gift from my brother. My sister-in-law made me involved in this journey of photography and I began to learn on it. Gradually, an excitement showered over me to click photos and get enjoyment from doing it. Mostly, I learn photography from my own concept and it has helped me a lot. After a year, I deeply fell in love with it.

2. What do you do besides photography and what is your future plans?
Right now, I am running a small business of mobile shop and repairing at Butwal. I am thinking of taking this photography as full-time profession later on. Even now, I take pictures of wedding ceremonies and fashion modeling and portraits shots.

3. What do you want your viewers to take away from your pictures?
Photography must be catchy so viewers will be attracted, my first priority. My photos not only cover incident but also contain some sorts of valuable knowledge to gain by people. From my photographs, I want to provide positive vibes so that the viewers can gain good message and its impression.

4. Why do you take photos? And What is photography to you?
I take photos to make myself free from loneliness and tense. It helps me to remember incidents and memory when I scroll back my past clicks. Photography helps me to feel positive and boost up my concept and thinking capacity. It has been such a valuable friend for me that part of my life has become difficult to survive without it.

Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/davidmongolianheart/

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